Over the last eight years, CAP Resources has earned a reputation as one of the country’s top experts on water management and water treatment technology in oil and gas markets. Over the course of time, we have dealt directly with over two hundred companies in the water management sector and have profiled several hundred companies in water management, in addition to our work with companies in other sectors of upstream and midstream oil and gas product and service markets.
Water & Environmental
Water & Environmental Services
Water, or the lack thereof, is becoming one of the key drivers in 21st century business economics, environmental regulations and compliance, and resource management. The boom of unconventional oil and gas plays has heightened visibility about the scarcity of the resource, and is also impacting water management in other related industry segments.
Our team has a thorough technical, financial and market understanding of all things related to environmental services in oil and gas markets and industrial markets, balanced by a pragmatic business understanding of where money is being made, hands-on field experience and relationships with operators, and a keen eye towards future market opportunities. In addition to capabilities in strategic planning, financial modeling, market research, M&A, and aggressive growth strategies, our team collectively has been on over 200 well sites and is intimately familiar with drilling, completion, and production practices, as well as economics, technology, applications, and equipment related to water and waste management. Previously, CAP Resources has collaborated with IHS to generate two definitive, 170-page industry reports on Water Management Opportunities and Strategies.
Whether it is vetting a new technology, assessing value of a start-up, raising funds, or pin-pointing where new facilities should be located, we bring decades of entrepreneurial experience to the effort.
Solid Waste Management and NORM
In addition to all matters related to oilfield liquid waste management, our team has most recently been strengthened with the addition of experts in solid waste and NORM management, gas and industrial processes, a PhD chemist proficient with all aspects of industry, and the former CEO of a leading U.S. water treatment service company, and a leading water treatment technology company.
Projects have included M&A support and due diligence, joint venture development, comprehensive market studies on water management in oil, gas, industrial, and consumer markets, strategic marketing initiatives, and each of the core functions related to aggressive new business development.